Friday 11 June 2010

i keep it wrapped inside…

Some people would say that this is the end but really it’s just the beginning...

Well today was my last whole day in school today. The two exams went pretty well, the maths definitely went better than my graphics exam but I won’t know till the 24th August when I get the results back (fingers crossed). I now only have to go into school for exams which means my summer basically starts now!

SO summer is starting and I’m starting to plan stuff, yes I know I’m actually starting to plan stuff! I’ve got a list of things I want to fit in now that I have time to do them one of the top ones is start football training (probably on my own) and going running more regularly again. I’m still going to have to revise quite a bit but I only have 3 exams left so there isn’t really that much to do. Going away for 3 weeks this summer, can’t wait.

I joined formspring ages ago so here’s another one of my many links:

Hopefully it’s going to be sunny the next few weeks so I can spend some time outside.

There’s going to be a lot of change in my life over the next few months and some f it will be bad, some of it will be good but whatever happens I’m going to make the most of it.

Had a good catch up with Hayley today, spent a while just talking (one of my besties). I know in the end she will make the right decision about what she wants.

That’s something I’m going to miss though when I go to college is all of the people. But I’m looking forward to meeting all the new people and all the new opportunities. But there again there have been quite a few people I’ve been drifting away from recently so I guess it’s something that just happens.

I’m going to be working a lot for my parents over the summer and hopefully I’ll be able to find a proper part time job as well. So I can start saving towards driving lessons and car insurance for when I’m 17. I really can’t wait till I am able to drive.

I also can’t wait till I’m 18 so I can get the tattoo done that I want, well tattoos. But they are really expensive so that will take a bit of saving for.

Had another argument with my parents today, it’s happening more and more but they blow pretty soon too so it should be alright soon.

The world cup has started! England’s first game tomorrow can’t wait. I don’t think they will get very far but I’m hoping they win it but they’ll have to sort their game out if they are going to.

Things haven’t been great recently but they are slowly turning around.

Not got much else to say really.



Love you xxx


1 comment:

  1. hey i found you through dan's blog and i thought that it would be cool to contact you seeing as we are the same age and both have blogs. i followed you :) love your posts by the way..
    check mine out if you have time?
