Sunday 5 December 2010

It’s beginning to look a lot like christmas

Today has been pretty good but VERY hectic.

Got up really early in order to be at Tesco’s for half 9 seriously I have no idea why it was so important because it would still be there later and I would have been able to of stayed in bed a bit longer, but we did managed to get round really quickly without me losing my parents too many times... I don’t get how I manage to do that either it’s not as if it’s really that big to be honest.

Got back home and then went straight back out with my sister to town so she could finish her Christmas shopping, but she didn’t finish it. I ended up carrying all her bags and standing in a freezing doorway while she bought something for me, wasn’t fun. But I did get a new belt out of it for helping her find an outfit for her interview.


Plus she paid for my lunch so it wasn’t all bad, McDonalds plus a McFlurry, a Terry’s chocolate orange one was really nice and it managed to bring my temperature down for a while which is a bonus!

Once we got home we had a pretty awesome surprise my Mum, Dad and brother had been putting up the Christmas decorations and I helped literally as soon as I walked in the door, I love putting up the decoration and they left me the tree to do. Our house now finally feels Christmassy.










Because all the decorations came out of the loft I was able to get to my wrapping paper I put up there last year because I bought loads and only used half of one roll. My family’s presents are now under the tree, and Scott’s are now wrapped.

Present 1:


This is like his main present and there is two things in the box but they’re the same but different. One symbolizes wisdom, power, good luck (which Scott needs with his accident prone side) and protection, plus I thought this one just looked nice. The second one symbolizes us. And he can use these all the time

Present 2:


This is useful, because he reads. I was going to get him something like this for his birthday but I couldn’t find it anywhere, because of what is on it.

Present 3:


It will remind Scott of me, that’s really only the clue I can give to this one or otherwise I would give it away.

Present 4:


He wants one of these, so I got him one.

I can’t wait to give them to him his when I see him. It took ages to work out what to get him.

I still feel ill and I’m probably going to make an appointment at the doctors tomorrow but I don’t know when I’ll be able to see them, so I might have to wait to be seen…

Me and Scott will be together for 8 months tomorrow.

Laterz xo

Love you xxxx

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