Tuesday 13 July 2010

But we can't we can't tell The future no the first kiss, the beauty of the world we know

After having a really nice person read some of my writing on this website, they suggested I try writing a book, and put it on the site and see what people think. So I’ve started working on it, so far I know what I’m writing about and it fits with my blog, so I’ll keep you posted.

Football trials tomorrow, I’m nervous, really nervous. I feel really unfit and I bet there will be loads of country players there too, how will I meet there standards?

Tried talking to Scott today and he wasn’t like he normally is he took ages to reply I get he was in school but well it felt odd.

Louis has been texting me for most of the day not getting the message then tried asking me out to watch a film. Needless to say I turned him down. But it’s kind of worrying when your ex texts you more in a day then your boyfriend does, and puts more x’s at the end of his texts too.

I’m really bored now so I might go back to writing.

I can’t believe I’ve reached 8 followers I know it’s not a lot but it’s still pretty cool!

I actually LOVE fox’s biscuits, seriously they’re amazing.

It was weird for this ‘book’ I’m starting to write I needed to read through my blog so I could remember some stuff. I’m pretty sure they way I write my blog has changed since the beginning. It’s weird to read through my thoughts as well, I can’t believe some of the stuff I wrote down too.  But I did find this and I remember it quite well and it did make me smile:

1. to be called beautiful instead of fit
fit is basically saying you just want us in bed (as mich put it lol) where as beautiful shows that you like how we look and think we look good
2. i love you
those words mean a lot to us but don't say them if you don't mean them coz it will only come back on you in the end
3. never cheat
the worst thing you could do to us, and our girls will have our backs... so yeah
4. like us for our personality not our looks
we hate being with someone who only likes us for our looks, we want to know that you like us as a person too
5. conversations
if you want to talk us talk to us but make sure the conversation is meaningful we don't want to just say i love you and that's it ask us about stuff don't expect us to do all the work.
6. when we say something we mean it
so don't just say yeah whatever because we wont say it again
7. we like surprises
being surprised is the best thing for us even if its just you texting us at a different time just the little things make us happy :)
8. other guys always seem to care more
when we argue or something has happened we don't want another guy to be there for us we want it to be you we can talk to and trust
9. we want to be there for you
we know you want to be all manly but we want to help you out sometimes to :)
10. sometimes...
...we want to come before your mates...we want to have all of your attention...we want you to forget about all you female friends and just talk to us...your the person we think about and we want to know if we are the only person you think about... we don't care about what she did we are the one that wants to be there for you...we get jealous of other girls you need to tell us that we are better than them (mich again :/)
11. msn
we don't like to start the conversation, we like to know that you want to talk to us...we like talking to you so give us a little bit of your time, don't copy and paste our convo's to your mates (hannah that little incident :/), don't forget we don't like waiting for an answer (mich is impatient)

I’m thinking of having an early night tonight so might not get to talk to Scott again tonight, kinda pissed me off that he didn’t reply but I guess it wasn’t his fault.

5 days till camp, CAN’T WAIT, it’s hopefully gonna be really good!

Laterz xo

Love you xxx

Check out Jason Derulo’s new video:

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