Thursday 18 February 2010

why do youu do this??

Right well that doesn't confuse me at all does it... one day your telling me how you want to be with me and that you want to sort everything out then today you don't even talk to me...what am i supposed to think. You know i miss us why can't you be honest at least rather than say things that you obviously don't mean, and if you do mean them why give out mixed messages? If you truely want us to get back together you need to prove it because i'm tired of you saying things you don't mean and going back on them, if i could then yes i would get back with you, i know most people would be against it, including my parents :/ but thats something we could deal with, you are a decent guy i wish other people would see it too, rather than telling me how wrong i am for even contemplating this, and telling me i was stupid in the first place, and i wish you would actually stop giving me mixed messeges. maybe you'll see this maybe you won't but you know, i care about you, and you know that i would give us a go again but it has to be for the right reasons (ex case number 1)

Well you've said it before, and now your saying it again... we finally sort things out and we're close again, is it worth risking that?? or is it just a reboung thing because you're single again, if it's not... things didn't work last time coz well look what you did (her?) and theres the whole distance thing, truthfully when would we ever see each other? i thought we were good like this, best mates... why fix somethign that isn't broken? it's good the way it is, maybe one day we will have back what we once had but we can't unless we are able to see each other properly, and anyways i don't have feelings for you like i used to...sorry... (ex case number 2)

why do people do this... just when you think everything is sorted they go and say things like, i want you back? or can we sort things out and get back to how we used to be? or you know that i love you i made a mistake? or i was stupid to let you go? I ain't trying to be funny but why did it end up like it did then, why did you screw it up, why did you walk away when it got hard, why did you think about cheating let alone doing it?

Lol worked today :) filling in a spreadsheet is easy money :D gotta do a party tomorrow if it doesn't rain (fingers crossed it doesn't)

I hate not having any credit in times like this :@

maybe things will work out maybe that won't, but i'd like it to sort it's self out soon. I really do miss us and spending time with you how we used to but i dunno what to think about that anymore just wish you would explain properly sometime soon would be nice too. I've bin open to you, can't you do the same to me too??


Laterz xx

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