Right this post is going to be based around three things, Scott’s present (these are his last clues), college stuff, and my day in general. That sounds like this has been thought out, it hasn’t not one bit! I never plan anything, ever; see I’m going off track already that’s why I don’t plan anything.
Scott’s Present
I’m doing this first so that I can get it out of the way and don’t go off track completely. He keeps asking me for clues; I know he reads this so I thought this would be the best place for the last clues to go and the instructions for him.
The only real instructions are they have to be open according to the numbers on them!
Present Number 1:
Something to enjoy!
Present Number 2:
Something you will find useful, especially after when we went to the cinema together (see I put a lot of thought into this) and there’s something really personal from me to you in it that took me about 4 attempts to get right!
Present Number 3:
This was a nightmare to wrap! This is because what I originally intended to get I couldn’t get anywhere, hence why there is more than one present. It’s something that you can keep forever, and can remind you or the two things you love the most (and one of those best be me :P)
My college life will officially be starting as of tomorrow, exciting you would thing, but I’m only really excited about the football team part and the meeting new people part. But hopefully this will change and I will enjoy the entire college thing.
My Day
Has been overall pretty good, spent most of the day talking to Scott, and finished the book that I was reading which was really good, got the majority of my college stuff and had a McDonalds which ended the main part of my day great because I got this little beauty:
Three large meals later and I finally got the green glass! Now that I have done everything, I’m going to talk to my cousin, and my amazing boyfriend!
Laterz xo
Love you so much xxxx