Thursday, 29 July 2010

Say good bye

I’m going on holiday again tomorrow for two weeks can’t wait.

I’ve got so much going round in my head I’m going to use the next two weeks to properly sort it out and work out what I want without everyone telling me what I want. That could end up in me saying good bye to people in my life but that happens.

Laterz xo

Love you x

Monday, 26 July 2010

I’m the worlds greatest

Right, I’ve neglected my blog for long enough.

Scott’s away on holiday, I don’t actually know when he’s coming back.

Camp was really amazing; I met some pretty amazing people Lucy, Sophie, Sophie, Kelly, Courtney, Paigee, Jade, Fiona, Holly, and loads of other people, plus I was able to catch up with Stevie from camp last year which was really good as we were in the same group and we shared a room.

Some of the guys this year were really nice and some of them were dicks, but it doesn't really matter coz I have Scott.

I managed to confront some fears, one of them being deep open water, the activities were totally awesome, plus we basically went tomb stoning off of a pier into 14 meter deep water which was amazing, i really want to do it again. track cycling was better than i thought it would be, climbing is always good, ski bob was wicked, sailing and kayaking I love anyways and windsurfing was great to be able to do again, mountain biking totally killed my arse for a few days but was worth it archery was alright not my favourite thing we did.

Me and Scott have had a lot of drama over the last few weeks. But the biggest thing was on the way to camp he admitted he had lied to me about something I don’t think he should have lied to me about, it’s really played on my mind the last few days, he goes on about trust after people saying stuff then he comes out with this and then says to me he didn’t tell me coz he didn’t know how I’ll react but seriously honesty is always the best policy but I think we’re okay at the moment.

I have been working on my writing a lot lately so that’s helped to keep my head clear.

I’m going on holiday for two weeks on Friday with my family, meaning my brother, my sister and my mum and dad plus my aunty, uncle and cousin I can’t wait. We’ve been going on holiday together for about three years and every year it’s been really good. We’re going camping in Cumbria, I love camping it’s just so different to any other type of holiday, but I’m not looking forward to the journey but I do have a plan! After Wednesday I’m going to be £123 richer so I’m going to arm myself with some DVDs, some new music and a few magazines or a couple of books for the journey so I won’t get bored although I’ll probably do what I usually do and fall asleep.

I have come down with something and everyone was telling me I should go see a doctor on Saturday but it slowly passing so I’ve decided I’m not going.

I think that’s just about me done.

Oh yeah I might be getting a tattoo done before I’m 18… hopefully. depends if i can find someone willing to do it if not i have just over a year to work out exactly what i want doing.

Laters xx

Love you xxxxx

Friday, 23 July 2010

I’m baaaaack

Camp was sooooo good I’ll fill you in properly tomorrow when I’m not so tired!!

Met loads of great people.

Thought I should prove I’m still alive.

Laterz xo

Love you xxxx

Sunday, 18 July 2010

How low can you go how low can you go

He may of blew before he even had a chance too, how many girls does he seriously think won’t say anything? He better be able to explain this. Seeing as it was said before everything I said to him then I’m going to have to hear him out, but I always do. Oh yeah and I’m not talking to people as a result of him, but like I said before I’d do anything for him.

Camp today a chance to get away from all this shit. So excited.

Laterz bloggers, hope you miss me xo

Love you xxx

Friday, 16 July 2010

After all that this is what I’ve found…

Right I thought I might do something a little more interesting than the short post I wrote earlier, so feel free to get bored and close the screen at anytime.

My brother comes back from Germany today, hopefully he has a present for me hahahaaa, I’m such a nice sister oh yeah he made it back into the country safely and managed to send an SOS text to my mum, he face was a picture after I told her he was probably stuck up a mountain somewhere after he fell of their chair lift ride, shame my sister managed to talk some sense into her to be honest.

I’m going to have a really busy day tomorrow, shopping first thing to get shed loads of sweets for the coach and for camp plus to get the stuff I forgot to get. Then we’re all heading over to my Aunty and Uncles to talk about our holiday which starts two weeks tomorrow.

Scott said he would have his phone sorted this morning but as I guessed it looks like he hasn’t which means now for a month we probably won’t be talking, I mean for a relationship to survive over distance is one thing but to not talk for a whole month is a completely different ball game.

I am so bored it’s insane being in this house 24/7 is driving me nuts, so can’t wait for camp now, even if it means not being able to talk to Scott for a week which doesn’t really matter now seeing as he doesn’t have a phone that works anymore. I was seriously contemplating taking Louis up on his cinema offer just to get out of the house, but thought I would be safer staying in the house seeing as he has this thing where he can’t move on and seriously if there was something I could change about my past he would be it. Oh well everyone makes mistakes.

My only problem at the moment is the way Scott is acting at the moment reminds me of the whole ‘Pearl situation’ and how he changed towards me when all of that happened. Needless to say that’s a time I don’t want to be reminded about.

We are having a BBQ tonight and I’m starving so it had better hurry up.

BBQ is now eaten and I am going to finish this nice long rambling blog.

I feel kind of guilty on the Louis front because on one thing, when me and Scott where over and breaking up and getting back together like 4 months ago that he stood a chance if he sorted himself out and learnt what being in a relationship meant well I didn’t hear off of him till about a week ago, when I got a text explaining he had sorted himself out that’s why he hadn’t spoken to me and I told him it was too late blah blah blaah the rest is history seeing as I’m still with Scott. I don’t like being used so I won’t put myself through it again, plus I thought I had something really good with Scott until the last few days, since he’s being really weird with me again. Apparently I deserve better and he doesn’t realise that he’s got a really good thing, according to one of my mates but I told them he’s probably going through something and doesn’t want to talk about it or something, but then they made a good point that he should be able to tell me everything., oh well, we’ll see won’t we.

I’ve given up getting stressed out over everything now and in a way that includes Scott I’m getting fed up with the whole hot and cold thing, and all the mixed messages, so I’m just going to let it go now and in a result I’ve had a pretty good day.

I’m into rap, probably mentioned it before in here somewhere, along with other types of music but that’s going off the point, I write rap lyrics, I’m a lyricist. So I’m working on recording some stuff so I thought the best way to get into it is to do some remixes of some existing songs and I’m working on some stuff at the moment which is what I’ve been doing pretty much all day. It’s kind of good because it lets me reflect on things without thinking too much about them, plus it gets things out of my head and down onto paper a safe distance away from my brain and over thinking them. I don’t only write rap lyrics I have written songs too but I can’t sing so they generally stay on paper and never get any further.

I’m hoping to buy a new camera soon something decent that will do video and pictures; hopefully I’ll get in time for my family holiday.

I think today I have successfully worked my way through the whole of Usher’s, Ne-Yo’s and Chris Brown’s videos on YouTube, a day well spent in my mind. But I have discovered old school R&B that is something people should check out, some really good sounds. But seriously I don’t think the whole Rihanna thing should ruin Chris Brown’s career yeah he did something wrong but I mean if that happened to a normal person it wouldn’t affect their professional life it’d stay in their personal life but I guess that’s the problem with being famous.

I went for a run today and almost died, can’t believe how unfit I am. I’ll be going again tomorrow, the joys of exercise.

...and now my little finger is the size of a house (there was no exaggeration at all) << and that wasn’t sarcasm, well maybe it was but still it hurts, I don’t recommend trapping your finger in a window it’s not fun and in extreme cases it starts bleeding five minutes after the incident in question.

Now we are gaining our years worth of rain I wonder is summer will be over now, I love the British summer, I mean why would you want to be anywhere else?

Laterz xo

Love you xxxx


P.s I hope what this Sophie girl is saying isn’t true but it looks like it might be so I’m not being messed around anymore, Scott you need to start telling me the truth, I’ve believed you once, I’ve believed you twice, three times that can’t just be rumours can it? Oh yeah and you better speak to me before tomorrow night or you won’t be liking the results of my actions. Actually I might be doing you a favour seeing as your with some many people I could narrow the choice for you a little bit.

This long distance is killing me

Spent today writing, and as I won’t be able to talk to Scott tonight so I’m hopefully going to be recording. Scott’s acting weird with me again. He hasn’t got a phone because he broke it and he hasn’t got it sorted out so the next month will be even harder because we won’t be able to talk at all.

I’m so bored, can’t wait for camp to get away now because everything is winding me up so to be away from it all for a while would be good.

Laterz xo

Love you xxxxx

Thursday, 15 July 2010

I don’t know how you did it but I’m falling and I can’t lose you

Today has been really good.

I have successfully written 3 songs and I’m in the process of making the backing tracks then all I need to do I find some singers for them, I don’t sing.

I have got a place into my college team, Scott was right a little less panicking would probably do me some good. Now all I need to do is get into the first team but there again I would mind a regular place on the second team to be honest as long as I’m playing regularly.

Tonight is my last day of being able to talk to Scott properly for a month, I’m dreading it, I really I am. My mates have been winding me up and last night on of them told me Imight fond someone else I was like that’s not going to happen and it’s not really helping the situation apparently I deserve better and not someone who makes me worry so much and acts hot and cold all the time, but I didn’t understand to be honest.

Haven’t really got much else to say to be honest.

Tomorrow will probably be my last blog for a week.

I love you baby xx

Laterz xo

Wednesday, 14 July 2010


The trials went okay today but could have gone way better, I’ll just have to wait and see.

Haven’t really spoken to Scott much today at all, I feel so bad for last night and taking everything out on him. Things feel really odd between us, I feel like when I text or try to talk to him I’m getting in the way.

Waterloo Road is back on TV tonight and tomorrow night the last two in this series, nice bit of trash TV.

Looking forward to getting away for a few days for camp, then I’ve got my family holiday two weeks away, can’t wait it better be sunny and hot.

Louis told me yesterday that he didn’t have feelings for me anymore than an hour later told me he loved me and can’t live without me. Not that he stands a chance after what he put me through when we were together and what I found out after we broke up and I’m still finding out. Not that it matters because I’ve got Scott well at least for now, I don’t really think he wants to be with me anymore. But I guess we'll have to see where it goes.

Laterz xo

Love you xxxx

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

But we can't we can't tell The future no the first kiss, the beauty of the world we know

After having a really nice person read some of my writing on this website, they suggested I try writing a book, and put it on the site and see what people think. So I’ve started working on it, so far I know what I’m writing about and it fits with my blog, so I’ll keep you posted.

Football trials tomorrow, I’m nervous, really nervous. I feel really unfit and I bet there will be loads of country players there too, how will I meet there standards?

Tried talking to Scott today and he wasn’t like he normally is he took ages to reply I get he was in school but well it felt odd.

Louis has been texting me for most of the day not getting the message then tried asking me out to watch a film. Needless to say I turned him down. But it’s kind of worrying when your ex texts you more in a day then your boyfriend does, and puts more x’s at the end of his texts too.

I’m really bored now so I might go back to writing.

I can’t believe I’ve reached 8 followers I know it’s not a lot but it’s still pretty cool!

I actually LOVE fox’s biscuits, seriously they’re amazing.

It was weird for this ‘book’ I’m starting to write I needed to read through my blog so I could remember some stuff. I’m pretty sure they way I write my blog has changed since the beginning. It’s weird to read through my thoughts as well, I can’t believe some of the stuff I wrote down too.  But I did find this and I remember it quite well and it did make me smile:

1. to be called beautiful instead of fit
fit is basically saying you just want us in bed (as mich put it lol) where as beautiful shows that you like how we look and think we look good
2. i love you
those words mean a lot to us but don't say them if you don't mean them coz it will only come back on you in the end
3. never cheat
the worst thing you could do to us, and our girls will have our backs... so yeah
4. like us for our personality not our looks
we hate being with someone who only likes us for our looks, we want to know that you like us as a person too
5. conversations
if you want to talk us talk to us but make sure the conversation is meaningful we don't want to just say i love you and that's it ask us about stuff don't expect us to do all the work.
6. when we say something we mean it
so don't just say yeah whatever because we wont say it again
7. we like surprises
being surprised is the best thing for us even if its just you texting us at a different time just the little things make us happy :)
8. other guys always seem to care more
when we argue or something has happened we don't want another guy to be there for us we want it to be you we can talk to and trust
9. we want to be there for you
we know you want to be all manly but we want to help you out sometimes to :)
10. sometimes...
...we want to come before your mates...we want to have all of your attention...we want you to forget about all you female friends and just talk to us...your the person we think about and we want to know if we are the only person you think about... we don't care about what she did we are the one that wants to be there for you...we get jealous of other girls you need to tell us that we are better than them (mich again :/)
11. msn
we don't like to start the conversation, we like to know that you want to talk to us...we like talking to you so give us a little bit of your time, don't copy and paste our convo's to your mates (hannah that little incident :/), don't forget we don't like waiting for an answer (mich is impatient)

I’m thinking of having an early night tonight so might not get to talk to Scott again tonight, kinda pissed me off that he didn’t reply but I guess it wasn’t his fault.

5 days till camp, CAN’T WAIT, it’s hopefully gonna be really good!

Laterz xo

Love you xxx

Check out Jason Derulo’s new video:

Monday, 12 July 2010

The spaces between my fingers are right where yours fit perfectly

Today I realised how much of my time is spent trying to make other people happy and not trying to make myself happy. This comes back to college, I got all my enrolment information through today and I still have a part of me screaming at me “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING THIS ISN’T WHAT YOU WANT” Yes, in some ways it isn’t what I want but honestly, I don’t really know what I do want so until I do I guess the best route to head down is the college/ university route.

I was thinking today about what career I’d like, I thought something where I can maybe write songs (but most people do that themselves or those that do are able to compose the music for the songs too) or just write, because that’s what I enjoy doing. Or maybe something where I can help people, I don’t know I’m not very good at making decisions.

I have started doing the over analysing thing again.

I didn’t speak to Scott for two hours today and started panicking before I remembered that on a Monday he goes sailing. I’ve gone from the girl who couldn’t care less about relationships to the girl who has been in and out of relationships, but at least with Scott things aren’t the same as with everyone else I’ve been with, I tried explaining that to him before and kind of failed. I was trying to say that I love how he isn’t pushy and will only let things go as far as I want them to, but it just didn’t come out that way. He’s completely the opposite to most people I’ve been out with who are only after one thing. But with so Scott it’s so so so different, but good different, happy different, really happy different, so much so I’ve been told by everyone that I’m turning into the helplessly fallen in love one compared to the why the hell can’t you stop talking about him for five minutes one.

Seriously how did my mp3 player when it was on shuffle manage to pick out of all the songs on it the ones that remind me of Scott, seriously how?

How do you break it to a drunk ex that you’re never going to ever get back with them no matter how promising there ‘changed ways’ are, umm well for me it started with, how come you are talking to me at 10pm at night when we were together you wouldn’t even talk to me at that time, closely followed by I’m with someone who I actually love and really care about who also treats me as a person now and object who is there whenever you want to pick them up and you can forget about whenever you want to put them down. Haven’t heard from him since, maybe he wasn’t as drunk as I thought, oh well he’ll live.

It was funny when I saw Sarah in Tescos today; she was kind of half surprised to so see me sort of shocked.

One questions, how is eating a chocolate chip muffin so hard to eat without it crumbling everywhere?

Last night me and Scott actually talked like we used to, it was really good. I still can’t believe I’ve found someone as amazing as him and am able to call him mine. He really means a lot to me even when we were just friends we were fairly close but then I guess we got a lot closer than I planned and I don’t regret it at all.

My brother goes to Germany tomorrow. PEACE AND QUIET!

I haven’t done much the last two days because I’ve got really into this book, it follows on from the last two I’ve read and so far it’s AMAZING, it should be turned into a film the whole ‘I heart...’ series should be this one is ‘I heart Paris’ apparently it’s like Sex in the City but I’ve never seen it so I got it on DVD to see if it is. Lindsey Kelk is a really good author and I don’t read much, well in the last year her books are the only ones I’ve really read by choice.

Laterz xo

Love you baby xxxxxx

This song kind of reminds me of Scott

Vanilla Twilight lyrics (Owl City)
Songwriters: Young, Adam;

The stars lean down to kiss you
And I lie awake and miss you
Pour me a heavy dose of atmosphere
'Cause I'll doze off safe and soundly
But I'll miss your arms around me
I'd send a postcard to you, dear
'Cause I wish you were here
I'll watch the night turn light-blue
But it's not the same without you
Because it takes two to whisper quietly
The silence isn't so bad
'Til I look at my hands and feel sad
'Cause the spaces between my fingers
Are right where yours fit perfectly
I'll find repose in new ways
Though I haven't slept in two days
'Cause cold nostalgia
Chills me to the bone
But drenched in vanilla twilight
I'll sit on the front porch all night
Waist-deep in thought because
When I think of you I don't feel so alone
I don't feel so alone, I don't feel so alone
As many times as I blink
I'll think of you tonight
I'll think of you tonight
When violet eyes get brighter
And heavy wings grow lighter
I'll taste the sky and feel alive again
And I'll forget the world that I knew
But I swear I won't forget you
Oh, if my voice could reach
Back through the past
I'd whisper in your ear
Oh darling, I wish you were here

Sunday, 11 July 2010

We’ll watch the world from above

To all in all I have if nothing else today successfully spent over £100. Clothes for this summer and camp are sorted, but I have got to get some other stuff for camp tomorrow that I forgot I needed. But I have got some pretty cool stuff.


<< Is my 3 BRAND NEW CAPS and headphones





>>Is my BRAND NEW kick (trainers)






<< NEW flip flops








>>I LOVE these!

I have managed to get into several arguments with my parents.

BUT, I have decided on ignoring the little things that annoy me such as the one word texts that people conveniently send you and expect a reply from what are you supposed to say to yeah or lol? So any texts I get like that I’m not replying to not because I don’t want to talk to the person but because it’s a waste of time they can’t be bothered to write a text I can’t be bothered to reply. I have a long list of these little hates I have but I’m not going to bore you with them.

Got football trials on Wednesday and I’m really unfit so they won’t go too well.

I am REALLY looking forward to camp now, like an unbelievable amount looking forward to it mostly because I want to get away for a few days and camp is my opportunity for that. A week today and I’ll be there!

I’m getting rid of my brother next week; he’s going to Germany which means a little bit of peace and quiet.

I miss Scott so much.

I’m sorting out my music and finding some good new music for the SUMMER.

Can’t wait to go away with my family either.

Love you baby xxx

Laterz xo

Saturday, 10 July 2010

I’ve never been this tired

Been at work all day and I’m absolutely shattered. Had a KFC for dinner, and I’m now ready to just got to my bed curl up and go to sleep.

Shopping tomorrow, I’m getting some new stuff for camp and for all round summer use. I have a whole list of stuff I need to get.

Hopefully I’ll get to speak to Scott before I have to crash but I’m not sure if I will.

Laterz xo

Love you xxxxx

Friday, 9 July 2010

PROM 2010


Mich, Alex and Me







Mich, Mica and Me








Mich, Jack and Me






Me, Nathanael and Mich








Mich and Me







Was such a good night!!

Something's opened up inside of me

Okay today was great until I heard more broken promises, more lies, basically people turning out to be completely the opposite to who I thought they were, but that’s fine because it made me realise what good I actually had in my life like the people who have actually stood by me and haven’t lied or broken promises and I’m lucky to have those people in my life.

Scott sent me a cute poem today.

Work tomorrow which makes me feel even better.

Finished the Gossip Girl box set.

Retail therapy on Sunday, so I can forget everything then too.

Can’t believe it’s basically only a week till I go to camp. But I won’t be able to talk to Scott for that whole week, but for the next few weeks it’s going to be like that, away for a week, back for a week, then away for two weeks which I’ll be lucky if I get any signal.

BUT I am looking forward to my family holiday because we go with my cousin Ryan and my Uncle Ivan and Aunty Angela and it’s always good and we usually have a laugh.

Camp should be good too; hopefully I’ll meet some decent new people.

I’ve been writing quite a lot the last few days and it’s started to make me realise what and who I want in my life and the people and things I don’t want in my life, so there might be a few changes.

At the moment it feels like I’m stuck in some kind of circle where the same things are happening over and over again.

Oh yeah and to top it off I’ve started arguing with my parents again.

I love life sometimes.

But something is for sure this summer is going to be one to remember for the right reasons or the wrong ones I don’t know...

I've gone back to working on something I love and it’s making me see things clearer, hopefully one day i will have a career in it but it’s one of those things that either you make it or you don’t.

I’m done with those who don’t like me for who I am, if you don’t like it then I guess it’s time for goodbye. Things will start changing from now.

I love you xxx

Laterz xo

Thursday, 8 July 2010


I don’t normally have an idea of what I’m going to post here but today is different for quite a few reasons.

Scott did see my post last night and I really wish he didn’t see it & I feel really bad about it. But it did mean we have actually talked for the first time in weeks and it meant so much to me to know that things are slowly getting back to how they should be between us.

But the title of this blog has to mean something and I know I said to Scott last night I wanted to forget the last few days and move on but first there’s something I haven’t ever written about and has played a big part in my life and helping me cope with things and especially the last few days... I can’t believe I’m writing about this especially as Scott will see this (if he still 08072010208 reads this) but here goes. That picture is of a cuddly toy cat but that’s not all it is, it has a name, ‘Cleo’. I’ve has Cleo since I was four and until a few days ago just sat at the end of my bed because I hadn’t really needed it well since everything happened the last few days I’ve spent the last few nights crying into it. Normally I wouldn’t admit to this but the last few days have changed me and I think, well I hope it’s for the better.

Now we can forget the last few days.

I woke up with a smile on my face for the first time since everything blew up. Today has been such a good day things with Scott have just got better and better. One thing that hasn’t been so good though is I got sunburnt while I was working at the weekend and now my shoulder, neck and half of my face hurt... ALOT!

It’s been a while since I’ve spent all afternoon watching DVDs and eating ice cream to be precise a Gossip Girl Box Set. The last time I did that was when Louis tried to sue me for sex, so quite a while ago. But this time I was doing it for a different reason plus I haven’t really watched much of it anyways it was really only playing while I was working some stuff out for someone very important to me but I can’t say anymore on here because then that person would see it and I want it to be a surprise, especially as I think I actually love him and don’t know what I’d do if I ever lost him. So even if I can’t be with him on his birthday which I really hope I can, I want to make sure I get him something really special.

He said he would be online all night tonight but I guess his plans have changed and he’s going out with his mates for a BBQ, but I don’t want to come in between him and his mates and I’m glad he doesn’t let me. I just wish he wouldn’t say that he will be able to talk to me all night when he won’t actually be able to.

I really do love Scott

Laterz xo

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Even when my world’s falling down I still wear a smile… Lucky me (part 2)

I feel like I don’t know what’s going on in my head anymore, so I did what any girl would do when she’s feeling shit, I bought some rom coms and some ice cream and tomorrow will be a DVD day, although I did spend £30 more than I intended well retail therapy always helps too.

I had a good chat with one of the besties, and realised a few things aren’t as good as I thought they were, I guess it’s the domino effect, one thing goes wrong so several things do and so on. So the last few nights I haven’t been sleeping well so I’ve stayed up late texting people trying to sort things out, which has ended up in my parents telling me they’ll take my phone off of me if I do it again tonight. But I still won’t be able to sleep because of all the things buzzing around in my head.

So I’m going to empty it here, Scott will probably see it but I have nowhere else to do it.

1. I wish people would stop interfering

2. Things still don’t feel right between me and Scott

3. I’m worried about what will happen/ be said while I’m at camp

There’s quite a lot more but... I just don’t know it’s hard to summarise, me and Scott ever since we saw each other we became really close then we’ve drifted really far apart, he says he’ll do little things like going online to talk to me then doesn’t or leaves it till quite a while later, he goes times without replying to my texts, he doesn’t do the little things that used to do to make me smile like the long texts & the little posts on my facebook wall, I know it’s probably nothing and that things happen and people eventually stop those things but it’s been a while since he’s done anything like that. We hardly speak on the phone anymore. I just feel like he’s not interested in me anymore and doesn’t know how to tell me of as though I’ve done something wrong. We don’t talk like we used to and I’m seeing loads of other couples breaking up and I don’t want us to become one of them, but we don’t have time to talk about any of this stuff anymore. He hardly ever puts x’s at the end of his texts either now, I know I’m probably making a big deal out of nothing, I really hope I am.

I guess after everything blew up the last few days it’s given me time to over think everything, and he’s probably feeling the pressure to I just needed to get this out of my head and hope that if Scott does see this he doesn’t take this all the wrong way.

But right now I don’t know what I’d do without all my mates

Love you babe x

Laterz xo

Monday, 5 July 2010

I gotta pose for the cameras Even when my world's falling down I still wear a smile Lucky me


I made all of that money this weekend plus another £10 but I spent that. This will all probably be gone by midnight on Sunday.


So much has happened today I really hope we can work it out. Hopefully I can find out the truth from Scott not from anyone else.

I’ll explain the picture now when we got together the first time I wanted a way of showing Scott I cared about him so I got a notebook and wrote him a letter everyday, when we broke up I ripped the pages out and got rid of them because I was upset and hurt. Then when we got back together this time I decided I wanted to do the same sort of thing but this time it’s kind of like a scrapbook sort of thing.


This was the letter for today It’s the second letter I’ve written in it because I haven’t really had the time but I’m going to start doing it more if we get through this.



I promised more Prom pics so here they are.

This is our table, the theme was a Midsummer Nights Dream…







The champagne for our table…






Me and one of my bestest mates, Michelle, We’re dancing I don’t know who is behind us though…



36353_406164997351_513457351_4925756_2499958_n Then it’s me and all of my best mates apart from one, I don’t know where Bethany was when this was taken.

It was such a good night.

Can’t wait for camp in less than two weeks!

I really want to sort things out with Scott.

SJ xo

Saturday, 3 July 2010

Thank you for the memories

I don’t think I’ve ever been this tired.

Prom last night was really good but it’s really sad thinking I probably won’t see half those people again, especially those who I went to primary and playgroup with. Loads of pictures were taken some of them look pretty good can’t wait for Michelle to put hers up on facebook; there’ll be some pretty funny ones.

I’ll add some more pictures tomorrow.

Work today has been so tiring and I saw Louis which I really didn’t want to do but we didn’t talk he tried to but I sort of pretended I couldn’t hear him. Got to be up really early for work tomorrow but £133 is worth it.

Hopefully I’ll be able to get some new clothes sometime this week and other new stuff, like hats and shoes; I need some new Airwalk trainers.

Camp stuff arrived saying the same stuff as last year, can’t believe how close it is now. I’m looking forward to it but in a way I’m not because I probably won’t get to speak to Scott all week. But I will get a chance to be away from everyone and everything and meet loads of new people which will be so good.

I need more sleep. I’ll catch up on Monday seeing as I have nothing to do.

Laterz xo

Love you xxxx