Thursday, 23 December 2010

Cold winter nights, by myself Blankets just won’t do, I need your help

There really isn’t a lot to write about today, no college gossip or anything. This is why I hate being off college everything is dead. I seem to spend most of my time of facebook trying to find something to do.

I got Alexandra Burke’s new album today although it isn’t technically new it’s the deluxe album and has some new tracks on it and it is pretty good. I seriously listen to too much music and haven’t listened to all the new albums that I’ve got recently all the way through yet, but I will! However my mp3 player has broken YES I do still use mp3 players, personally I think apple is over rated and I dislike touch screens and all that so I’m sticking with my mp3 players. But my trusty Samsung died after 3 years constant use I think it was pretty good although I was limited to 163 songs it still worked. My phone is temperamental when it comes to music; actually it’s pretty temperamentally when it comes to anything so I can’t rely on that for music. Basically what I’m saying is I’m pretty stuffed when it comes to going out as I am unable to listen to any music hopefully that will change on Christmas day.....

Well basically this year Christmas day is different, I don’t know what ANYONE has got me. This is completely different to any other year usually someone caves and tells me or I am able to guess. Plus we were told not to make lists or anything so all presents are a complete surprise which is great as Christmas hasn’t been like that in years.

Like I said there really isn’t a lot to talk about.

I’m worried about Scott, this time of year is bad for him, so I’m glad I can be with him for a week after Christmas. At least that way I know he’ll be alright.

Laterz xo

Love you xxxx

Title: Made to be together – Trey Songz

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