It’s day two of the Christmas holidays and I’m already bored beyond belief. Although crazy taxi on facebook has become a big addiction the last two days.
Normally we would go see family but my mum and dad have done all of that when they’ve been going out to buy presents so I haven’t really seen any family yet. It’s weird to think I was excited about Christmas, but now I’m not right now it just feels like another day, hopefully that will change. I’m usually really excited about Christmas I love everything about it spending time with people and just the overall feeling of it. Last year I was with Louis around this time and we were spending loads of time together because that’s what you do around Christmas especially when you’re in a relationship. Right now, that’s pretty hard to do. Scott is too far away to do that, so for the time being we have to put up with talking until the 27th. This is way I hate having the distance between us. If you have a bad day and just want a hug or kiss or just want to spend time together you can’t you have to arrange anything you can’t just do anything whenever you want to. We did have a good conversation last night though today has been a bit.... I just think it’s down to not seeing each other and everything else being really rubbish at the moment.
The snow round here now isn’t really snow anymore either is more ice and frost, but the icicles look pretty, off of the farm roof next door. That’s probably the best thing about where I live in the summer we have all of the fields and river which are great for picnics and just messing around and then in the winter when we get the ‘big freeze’ everything looks really pretty and just makes you want to go outside and be in it, although it is too cold and I am currently being in it through my mind.
Some pretty big albums have come out recently, and being someone who listens to music practically 24/7 this is great. I always update my music library. It doesn’t really matter what it is the really hard core rock I tend to steer clear of though somehow I can’t get into it.
In terms of achieving things this year has been pretty poor and as the end of 2010 is coming to an end I think I need to work on my resolution for 2011. Now I’m not particularly big on the whole resolution things because well let’s face it no one sticks to them anyways. So I’m determined to find something that I can achieve. On the note of 2011 I want to actually do more stuff and not be sat in front of the computer screen all the time, I want to be able to meet new people and get new experiences; I’m definitely going to work on this.
Reading through my extensive amount of blogs I follow I needed a little reading catch up session, today I came across a little surprise:
Thanks to Dan who has awarded me and several other people his blog of the year 2010. I’m pretty chuffed about this, here’s what he wrote:
Just A Small Town Girl by SJ: Lovely blog about a teenage girl in college. It often followers the drama in SJ’s life and she is not afraid to share her feelings on it. Also SJ’s dedication to her boyfriend is inspirational and everyone should be prepared to show that much dedication to their partner.
It’s nice to think someone enjoys reading what I write to be honest. For me it’s just a place to vent how I feel away from most of the people who know me in ‘the real world’.
So here’s the pictures I was going to post the last few days but haven’t been able to.

I thought I should include this one to make chocoholics jealous:
All of that was an early Christmas present from my sister, she loves me.
The fact I have exams in January should be really daunting but right now it really isn’t. I can’t bring myself to revise for them either, it’s going to be a huge case of cramming on the bus to the exams I think even though I promised myself I wouldn’t do this at college because the exams have a bigger impact on my life. Habits are hard to break I guess.
4OD is a great source for entertainment. Normally I absolutely hate documentaries but there is something about the way channel four makes them that means I can actually watch them the whole way through and actually learn something from them. Today I watched the one about the phone calls and family testimonies from the 9/11 in America, it was really interesting and something that I would recommend to anyone because it really gives you an insight to what happened that day.
Scott’s out tonight hence the really long post. We have the distance and I’m still lost when we don’t talk, I usually plan my evenings around talking to him. But I really think it will be good for him to spend some time with his mates because he always sacrifices seeing them to talk to me and I feel guilty when he does so it’s nice for a change to be able to say that he’s with them in a strange way. I'm lucky that he sacrifices so much time for me not many guys would do that there again there isn’t many guys who would put up with the distance and treat me the way he does. I’m definitely one lucky girl to have found him. Although I’m worried about the impression his family will get of me when they meet me when i go to stay with him, I hope they like me because I want to make a good impression for him. It’s kind of funny he doesn’t know what I’m worried about.
I’m totally not intending on staying in bed ridiculously late tomorrow, this probably won’t happen now that I’ve said it but I’ve been forced out of my bed by various people the last two days for reasons that were totally unnecessary, so tomorrow it’s going to be me and my bed for a few extra hours...
Well done if you managed to get to this point without skipping anything!
Laterz xo
Love you xxx
Ps if your interested the title of this blog is a Ne-Yo song called Miss Right.