Monday 7 December 2009

todaaay :)

what a day.... an arguement, a song and a couple back together :)

i'm really happy for mich and jim :)

alex's joke in graphics :P

robin and lady gaga ;)

matt and his cookin

jodie... yesss i can do it and what? :P

tbh i dont get why she has to keep goin on about him, she knows whatever she says aint gonna change anythin and by bringing in some guy that fancies me aint gonna make her point much stronger realli tbh. I love him and she aint gonna change that by tellin me i'd be better off wiv out him coz tht aint true, he's made me happier than anyone else has and yes it is hard wiv the distance i never sed it werent but the more she goes on about him the more i'll defend him he hasnt done anythin wrong :)

i love him :)

anyways thats it

later x
lovee youu babyy xxx

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