I found this song today and thought it was pretty amazing.
And this is just plain funny.
RIGHT. Back to what i want to talk about.
Lately I've heard about loads of couples arguing and splitting up because they don’t talk about stuff that matters. Now me and Scott do talk but not as much as we used to, everything just seems to get in the way lately, and i hope this doesn’t affect us. I’m really looking forward to seeing him and hope that we will be able to spend some time together.
I was thinking about getting him something for when I see him so that when we’re not together he’ll have something to remind him of me, but he said he doesn’t want me to buy him anything. So I’m coming up with ideas which don’t involve me spending any money.
Some people don’t think me and Scott will last very long. But well i think they’re wrong and we’ll prove them wrong. Apparently when I go to college I’ll meet other guys and will be more interested in them…I don’t think so!
I hope that we can go back to talking like we used to soon, I really miss it. I wish we could be like other couples our ages and actually get to see each other more. But sometimes what you want doesn’t happen. This is one of those cases.
First exam of the main exam period tomorrow, part one of my media exam. Hopefully I have enough revision done.
I’m virtually over being ill… thank god! Just wish I could be with him right now, it’s been one of those days, I got home and felt like shit, I just sat there crying and I don’t even know why. I think all the little things just got to me today.
I get my new phone tomorrow! So happy, can’t wait to actually be able to use a phone properly again! It’s a bit of rubbishy phone but at least it’ll work.
I still keep thinking about not going to college but if I don’t then I won’t get into Uni and be able to do the degree I want to do.
Hopefully soon things will sort out and I won’t do what I did when I got in tonight. I just really miss him, stressed out about exams, fed up of people saying shit.
Can’t wait for these exams to be over, it’s making my face hurt. lol. That sounds odd I know but when I get stressed I get a rash on my face which irritates, basically.
I’m fed up of Louis telling me he loves me too, I don’t feel the same way about him and I never will after everything that happened between us, and Scott makes me so happy even if there is the distance between us.
Ahh it’s bin a bit of a long post today but I needed to say everything.
Sometimes life is shit, but the people in it make it worthwhile.
Media today was so funny. But school seems pointless now, can’t wait to leave!
I love you baby, and no matter what people say and do it won’t change. AND please stop thinking your going to lose me, because your not!